Student and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Logo for Mental Health and WellbeingMental health and wellbeing impacts on all aspects of our lives in terms of how we feel, function and interact with others – one in four adults will experience mental ill-health at some point in their life.

This is something the The Open University recognises and takes extremely seriously. That’s why we have developed the Student and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy, in line with the Universities UK #stepchange framework for mental health in higher education. Our strategy will ensure that everyone across the University recognises that mental health is not solely related to a disability or illness. Instead, it represents a continuum in which we all live and will experience throughout our lives.

Mental health is defined as a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.

World Health Organisation

Our vision for this strategy

At The Open University, we recognise that mental health and wellbeing impacts on all aspects of our lives in terms of how we feel, function and interact with others.
Read more about our vision for the Student and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy.

Why we developed this strategy

This Student and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been developed in line with the Universities UK (2017) #stepchange framework for mental health in higher education.
Read more about why we developed this strategy.

How we will achieve our strategic vision

Within the strategy there are eight strategic themes: leadership; prevention; early intervention; support; transitions; staff; data; and partnerships.
Read more about how we will achieve our strategic vision.

Support from our leaders

Student and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy is supported by our senior management across all four UK nations, and the OU Students Association.
Read more about the support we have from our leaders.