The OU provides a range of resources and services to support our colleagues in areas around mental health and wellbeing.
OUWellbeing is a new app which makes looking after your wellbeing fun, interactive and stimulating by providing you with the tools to start building healthy, positive habits into your everyday life. It’s available to staff and students with content tailored to each group.
Download it here from the iOS or Android app stores and remember to use your OU staff email address to sign up.
As part of our Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, we are launching a Mental Health First Aider Scheme, to train staff across the University in the principles of mental health first aid.
We recognise that expanding this scheme across the University is an important element for creating a safe and healthy workplace, where mental health and physical health are valued equally. It is hoped that increasing the number and distribution of Mental Health First Aiders across the University, will help to increase awareness of mental health issues and reduce the stigma and discrimination that is sometimes associated with this topic.
Mental health first aid is the help offered to a person who is: exhibiting signs of developing a mental health issue; experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health issue; or who is in mental health crisis and requires some level of intervention. Mental health first aid is provided to a person until the immediate crisis or need is resolved and/or professional help is received. A Mental Health First Aider is a member of staff who has attended and passed a Mental Health First Aid training course, delivered by an accredited Mental Health First Aid Instructor.
The Mental Health First Aiders Framework (pdf 203kb) outlines the approach to setting up and maintaining a Mental Health First Aider Scheme across all units within the University.
This strategy is about improving the support available to those who are in need of help. The primary purpose of the Suicide Safer University Strategy (pdf 692kb) and Action Plan (pdf 160kb) is to:
As part of our commitment to developing a whole institute approach for the support and protection of staff and students, our Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Strategy and Action Plan (2022) is also available.
The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is available for all staff and their spouse or partner (provided the partner lives with the employee), and children between the ages of 16 and 24 who are in full-time education.
The website provides proactive ideas for encouraging good physical and mental health. When you register for the first time, you will need to enter the OU’s unique code - MHA065347.
You can also download the ‘Wisdom’ app to your mobile phone and set preferences for the topics that interest you. When you log in for the first time, you will need to enter the OU’s unique code - MHA065347.
For more immediate support or to arrange up to 6 confidential counselling sessions (which can be extended to 12 in exceptional circumstances and in discussion with counsellors), call the 24-hour helpline on Freephone number: 0800 0280199 (Republic of Ireland: 1800 936071).
Shout is a text service which offers help for both staff and students if you’re struggling to cope, feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed and need to talk with someone, whether that's during the day or at night. Text the word OU to 85258 to start a conversation. More information is available via the Student Help Centre.
If you have any queries about the information on this webpage, please contact Student Support Services (SSS) Directorate: