Key University statements, policies and reports
The Open University's mission to be 'open to all' informs all our policies and statements.
- Access and participation plan impact report (PDF, 193kb)
- Brand policy
- Bullying, harassment & sexual misconduct: it’s never OK
- Code of Practice for Events (PDF, 466kb)
- Cost of Living and The Open University report (PDF, 1.57mb)
- Degree Outcomes Statement (PDF, 204kb)
- Energy matters: energy, environment and sustainability
- Financial information and statements
- Freedom of Information
- Generative AI in Learning, Teaching and Assessment at The OU
- OfS Transparency Information Return
- International Safeguarding Policy (PDF, 280kb)
- Prevent (Counter-Terrorism) Duty
- Open University Anti-Discrimination Statement
- Open University Anti-Racism Statement
- Open University adoption of IHRA and JDA definitions of Antisemitism
- Quality and standards
- Report and support (online tool)
- Research Integrity Statement
- Risk Management Policy (PDF, 123kb)
- Social media community guidelines
- Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom
- Statement on Equality and Diversity
- Statement on Eradicating Modern Slavery in Supply Chains (PDF, 102kb)
- Student and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- Welsh Language
Student policies
Policies relating to studying at the OU (covering issues like registration, assessment, computing and complaints) are collected at:
Website policies and statements