Assuring academic quality and standards
The Academic Quality and Standards team (based within Academic Services) works in partnership with OU colleagues and students to lead effective and efficient institutional-level quality assurance processes which inform and evidence enhancement activities to improve academic quality and outcomes for our students.
Our objectives are to:
- Lead the ongoing review of University-level quality assurance policies, processes to ensure quality assurance practices at the OU are efficient, effective and informed by data
- Lead and manage curriculum approval polices and processes including the Qualifications and Assessment Committee, internal quality assurance, external reviews and accreditations, and the responses to consultations on quality and standards (see Curriculum approval, monitoring and review, Partnerships, Research degrees and external accreditation and recognition for further information)
- Advise colleagues in relation to institutional-level academic quality and standards, governance of quality and standards, policy development, initiatives and programmes
- Remain up-to-date with the external regulatory environment in relation to academic quality and standards across the four UK nations
- Work with colleagues in faculties, Assessment Credit and Qualifications, Academic Services, and the offices of the PVC Students, Deputy Vice Chancellor, and University Secretary to advise and develop the strategic approach to ensure compliance with external bodies and regulators across the four nations including Quality Assurance Agency and Office for Students
- Represent the OU externally in the higher education sector
- Provide training, guidance and support for OU staff and student representatives
- Work with students as partners of our quality assurance processes.
There are a range of other mechanisms and policies across the University that contribute to assuring the quality of the student learning experience and maintaining academic standards, including:
- Quality assurance processes for student support mechanisms
- Internal monitoring of tutor marking and feedback (see section 4.1.4 of the University's TMA and iCMA Policy)
- Processes for managing external examiners and external assessors
- Student appeals and complaints (see the University’s Complaints and appeals procedure)