Objective seven:

Data - using an evidence-based approach to evaluating mental health and wellbeing support

Use data, learning analytics and research to systematically evaluate the effectiveness and impact of mental health and wellbeing interventions and support

Data, analytics and research need to go hand-in-hand with mental health and wellbeing support, because by evaluating the demand for, engagement with, and effectiveness of our mental health and wellbeing support strategies, we can improve the effectiveness and impact of our offering and approach in the future.

More details of this objective can be found in the Student and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy (pdf 475kb).

In summary:​

This objective will: And be measured through:

1. Establish baseline data on trends associated with mental health and wellbeing to identify areas in need of additional interventions.

Baseline data established and systematically used to inform future interventions.

2. Monitor trends annually within and between cohorts of students and staff to determine the effectiveness of different interventions.

​Improved levels of service and reduction in gaps of mental health provision to students and staff.

3. Monitor and track progress against key data relating to the wellbeing of staff.

​An established, annual mental health and wellbeing review process.

4. Improve staff awareness of and engagement with institutional dashboards that provide insight into mental health and wellbeing data.

​Evaluation of the level of staff knowledge, their skills, attitudes and training needs.

5. Use learning analytics to target timely interventions to students who have declared mental health issues and are at risk of non-completion.

​Feedback from students who have declared mental health issues and improved levels of success.