External regulatory context

As a provider operating across the four UK nations, the Open University is subject to the quality assessment requirements of the funding/regulatory bodies within each nation.  

In England, it is a registered provider of the Office for Students (OfS) and is bound by the OfS conditions of registration including those conditions relating to quality (B1-B5).  The University’s relationship with OfS is managed by the University Secretary’s Office who also co-ordinate activity across relevant internal stakeholders to enable proactive management of OfS initiatives relating to registration. 

QAA logo in English and WelshQuality Enhancement Review 2021

To satisfy the requirements of the funding bodies in the non-English nations, the University is subject to a five yearly Quality Enhancement Review (QER) undertaken by the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).  The University’s last QER took place in March 2021 and it received a positive judgement, which means that the reviewers deemed that it has robust arrangements for securing academic standards, managing academic quality and for enhancing the quality of the student experience. The University has produced an action plan in response to the affirmations and recommendations arising from the QER, as well as demonstrating how it will capitalise on the commendations.

  • A copy of the QER report is available on the QAA website.

The University's relationship with QAA is managed by the Academic Quality and Standards team (AQS).

TEF Gold logo  The Teaching Excellence Framework

   The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) is a compulsory scheme run by the Office for Students     (OfS) in England and aims to encourage higher education providers to improve and deliver excellence in teaching, learning and student outcomes - About the TEF OfS   

 The TEF process assesses and rates providers for excellence above a set of minimum requirements for quality and standards.

The University submitted for the 2022/23 TEF exercise and was awarded an overall Gold rating – About the TEF rating

TEF is managed within the University by the Office of the PVC (Students).

The UK Quality Code for Higher Education

The UK Quality Code is a sector led reference point for higher education providers to help them assure the standards and quality of their provision.  Alignment with the Principles and Key Practices of the Code is a regulatory requirement for higher education providers in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. A new version of the Code was published by QAA in June 2024 following extensive consultation with the sector.   

In 2024/25, the University will be producing  a detailed mapping document demonstrating how its systems and processes align with the requirements of the new Code. 

The European Standards Guidelines (ESG)

The ESG are a set of standards and guidelines for internal and external quality assurance in higher education across Europe and are a baseline regulatory requirement of the quality assessment framework in Wales and Scotland.  To ensure alignment against the standards, the University has mapped its processes against the standards.

Other external reference points

The UK national qualification frameworks set out the different levels of higher education qualifications across the four nations and the requirements for each level. Alignment with the relevant framework is mandatory for all nations.  There is one framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications) and one for Scotland (the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework).  Alignment with the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales is an additional requirement for providers operating in Wales.  

The University’s own internal levels framework aligns fully with these national frameworks and is reviewed on a regular basis.

Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas. They show what graduates might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies.

Characteristics Statements describe the distinctive features of qualifications at particular levels within the national qualification frameworks in terms of their purpose, general characteristics and generic outcomes, but do not include subject level detail. 

Although Subject Benchmark and Characteristics Statements are no longer a formal part of the regulatory framework in England, they remain so in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The University’s qualification approval, monitoring and review processes require reference to the statements where appropriate for a subject/qualification area.