Periodic Quality Review

Alongside annual quality monitoring, the University’s Periodic Quality Review (PQR) process provides a six-yearly independent evaluation of the quality and standards of provision within each academic area.

Periodic Quality Reviews:

  • assure Senate of the quality of academic standards and the student learning experience
  • form a key part of the evidence base that allows the University’s Council to endorse the statement of assurance in the annual quality report to the Scottish Funding Council
  • ensure the OU meets the UK Quality Code’s expectations for monitoring and evaluation of quality and standards, especially in relation to externality and student involvement
  • provide a forum for areas under review to reflect upon the last six years
  • provide a forum for students to voice their experience of studying within the area under review
  • provide a forum for associate lecturers to feedback to the university.

PQRs are based on a comprehensive self-evaluation document and supporting documentary evidence prepared by the area under review  with the support of the Academic Quality and Standards team. The documentation is reviewed by an approved PQR panel consisting of a chair, internal reviewer, external reviewer and a student reviewer. The panel reports to the Academic Quality and Governance Committee (AQGC).

The panel meet staff, students and associate lecturers during a 2-day review event to discuss the documentation provided, before reaching a judgement on the academic standards and quality of the student experience for the area under review, in the context of external requirements. 

The panel’s report outlines their assurance of the quality and standards of the provision and makes a number of commendations and recommendations, which can be directed towards the area under review, broader faculty/unit or other department within the university. The report is submitted to AQGC and once approved, the outcomes are communicated internally.

The area under review, broader faculty/unit and the relevant university department are required to respond to the recommendations and formulate an action plan. AQGC and the faculty/unit under review monitor the progress of those actions until completion.