Quality assurance agency higher education review

QAA Quality MarkAs a provider operating across the four UK nations, the University is subject to the quality assessment requirements of the funding/regulatory bodies within each nation.  

To satisfy the requirements of the funding bodies in the nations (except England), the University is subject to six yearly Quality Enhancement Reviews (QER) undertaken by the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) 

The University’s last QER took place in March 2021 and it received a positive judgement, which means that it has been deemed that the University has robust arrangements for securing academic standards, managing academic quality and enhancing the quality of the student experience.

The QAA also identified the following examples of good practice:

  • The flexible and effective provision of Access modules that prepare a diverse range of students for higher education study methods.
  • The effective approach to the engagement and support of staff in delivering the mission of the University, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic, with the provision of online seminars and training. 
  • The strategic, proactive, and effective use of data which enhances learning and teaching, supports access, and underpins the delivery of the university’s mission to enable greater student success. 
  • The comprehensive and effective support, provided by the University, to its partners, that assures and enhances its collaborative provision.

Four recommendations and two affirmations of work already underway were also identified in the report, which can be downloaded from the QAA website

The University’s updated action plan in response to the review is available to view or download (pdf 788kb).