The OU outside the UK

The Open University undertakes development work worldwide - from programmes taught directly to projects delivered through local partners.

The OU’s International Development Office

The Open University has been committed to international development for over 20 years. We are globally recognised for our teaching and pioneering research within the sector, and for driving innovation.

Our teaching and education expertise directly addresses skills and leadership gaps, improves governance, boosts economies and drives social, technological and entrepreneurial innovation.

Our research, often in partnership with multiple institutions and stakeholders, concentrates on pressing areas of need including medicine, international policy and health economics.

Uniquely, The Open University also helps deliver development programmes in partnership with governments, NGOs, funding institutions and local partners. Our programmes in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia address areas such as frontline health, teacher education and English language teaching.

The Open University’s International Development Office works alongside academic experts within the OU to create and deliver scalable development programmes and teaching and research initiatives which positively impact developing countries. We work where there is the greatest need: where our expertise can impact the many, rather than the few, and where our work helps create sustainable social and economic development.

Programmes include:

  • HEAT, a healthcare education and training programme transforming the skills of frontline healthcare workers across sub-Saharan Africa
  • English in Action in Bangladesh, a technology-enhanced, award winning, English language education programme on target to reach 25 million people across the country by 2017
  • TESSA transforming the education of primary and secondary school teachers across Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Transforming English Language Skills in Higher Education in Pakistan developing the use of the English language within higher education institutions in Pakistan.

Find out more about The Open University’s International Development Office.

The Open University in Europe and worldwide

The Open University is the world’s leading provider of flexible, high quality online degrees and distance learning, serving students across the globe with highly respected degree qualifications, including the triple-accredited MBA degree.

If you’re outside the UK, learn more about our degrees and courses for international students.