Faculties and centres

Robert Hooke building


At the heart of the OU’s teaching are its faculties, schools and institutes, producing high quality courses underpinned by research of international excellence.

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

Recognised internationally for its excellence in teaching, research and public engagement, FASS works to transform individuals, societies and cultures through three interdisciplinary Schools comprising Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences & Global Studies and Psychology & Counselling.

The Open University Business School (OUBS)

Delivers business and management education which is quality assured; OUBS is part of an elite and exclusive group of the top 1% of global business schools who are triple accredited.

Open University Law School

Offers world renowned and innovative legal education. Home to the most popular undergraduate law degree in the UK.

Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Teaching, research and business collaborations in the STEM disciplines through our schools (Computing and Communications; Engineering and Innovation; Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences; Life, Health and Chemical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; and Physical Sciences) and the Knowledge Media Institute.

Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies

Organised as three schools – Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport; Health, Wellbeing and Social Care; and Languages and Applied Linguistics – we are one of the UK’s largest and most innovative providers of higher education in wellbeing, education and language studies.

Institute of Educational Technology (IET)

The hub of the OU’s continuing research into and development of the latest technologies for learning and teaching.

Knowledge Media Institute (KMI)

A research and development centre at the leading edge of web, semantic, learning and new media technologies.


Colleagues looking at anatomy model

Interdisciplinary Research Centres

Centre for Research in Computing

Undertakes distinctive, leading edge research in software and processes that underpin knowledge management, communication, learning, and interactions among humans and machines.

We are also partners in two Economic and Social Research Council centres:

Innogen Logo


The Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics (with the University of Edinburgh).



The Centre for Research on Socio-cultural Change (with the University of Manchester). We also host the ESRC-funded Identities Programme.