Accessibility hub for The Open University

The Open University is committed to making sure that as many people as possible can use our websites. Accessibility is an essential part of our mission. On this page, you'll find everything you need to answer any questions you have about accessibility, whether you're a student or a member of staff.

On this page

Accessibility for everyone

What we're doing to improve accessibility

Our ongoing commitment to accessibility improvement.

Accessibility statement for The Open University

What we do at the OU to make our websites accessible.

Accessibility statements

Links to the accessibility statements for the OU's main websites and mobile apps.

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Accessibility for students

Disability support at the Help Centre

Information about declaring a disability, services and additional support for exams and studying, Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA), alternative formats and specialist equipment.

Disabled user support at the Library

Information about the resources and services available to disabled students from the OU Library.

Module website accessibility

If you are a user of different assistive technologies and web browser settings, this section offers you information and guidance when using your module website and online tools.

Studying on a screen

Different options for everyone to try to help them study on a screen successfully.

OU Disabled Students Group

A group run by and for undergraduate and postgraduate students, offering support and advocating for the needs of disabled students.

The Open University Equality and Diversity

Outlining our commitment to equality as part of our mission.

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Accessibility for staff (internal only)

Accessibility and Usability Evaluation

The AUE SharePoint site hosts a variety of internally and externally produced resources for staff. The AUE team looks after the centralised, student-facing systems and websites at the OU and act as a centre of expertise for digital accessibility and usability.

OU Accessibility Yammer 

An informal community for all staff to ask questions, share resources, and talk about all things accessibility.

Digital Governance

Digital standards, guidelines, and policies for OU staff members.

SeGA Forum

This forum is intended for Open University staff to ask general accessibility-related questions. Anyone can ask and answer questions.


Securing Greater Accessibility (SeGA) SharePoint site provides access to a wide variety of resources. SeGA is managed by the Institute of Educational Technology and supports The Open University to make curriculum inclusive and accessible to disabled students.


The Cross-Faculty Accessibility Working Group (CFAWG) was established by Faculty Accessibility Coordinators in as a way to coordinate accessibility work across faculties and units.

Equality and Diversity 

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are a small specialist Team within People Services, who focus on a wide-range of equality issues across the University.

Enabling Staff at the OU 

The network aims to add and support the rich diversity of the OU workforce. Membership is open to all staff employed by the OU, in whatever capacity, and wherever they are based.

Neurodiversity Network 

The network aims to further the equality, acceptance, and inclusion of the neurologically different within the OU.

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