
The Open University offers a range of Higher and Degree Apprenticeships in EnglandGraduate Apprenticeships in Scotland and Degree Apprenticeships in Wales to both public sector bodies, such as the civil service, NHS trusts, local authorities, and to small, medium-sized and large organisations in the private sector.  Our offer covers Apprenticeships in Nursing, Business, Social Work and more (

The Business Development Unit (BDU) manages the relationships with employers and ensures compliance with apprenticeship funding rules across the four nations. Modules and qualifications linked with apprenticeships are designed and delivered by faculties and are subject to standard OU approval (‘Stage-Gate’), monitoring (QME) and review (PQR) and external examining processes.  In addition to the University’s standard requirements for assuring the academic standards and quality of its qualifications, apprenticeships are subject to further regulatory requirements specific to each of the four UK nations.   An OU Apprenticeships Academic Framework provides a single point of reference, guidance and support for faculties involved in creating curriculum and assessment for apprenticeships and also includes advice and guidance on the external quality framework for apprenticeships in the different nations


Modules and qualifications delivered as part of an apprenticeship are approved through the standard University governance structures – Faculty Academic Committees, Qualifications and Assessment Committee (QAC) and Senate.  Faculties that deliver apprenticeships must include at least one member of academic staff on its Academic Committee (Learning, Teaching and Assessment) who has expertise in apprenticeships.  Authority for the approval of the institutional arrangements with employers rests with Senate via Curriculum Partnerships Committee (CuPC).  A specialist cross University group, the Apprenticeship Quality Scrutiny Group (AQSG), works with faculties, BDU, and University committees to provide scrutiny and advice on new apprenticeship approvals, as well as monitoring, review and quality enhancement.


Further information is available via the ‘Apprenticeships at the Open University website’