Abstract blue image of educational tools

Procurement at The Open University

Information for suppliers

Information for Suppliers

The Open University (OU) purchases goods, works and services totalling over £100 million a year from the private, public and voluntary sectors. The OU are committed to working effectively with suppliers and promoting opportunities to work with us.

General Information on Purchasing at The Open University

SAP Ariba Information

Deliveries to The Open University

Policies and Guidance Documents


Purchasing at the OU

There are a number of ways The Open University buys goods and services, including:

  • Ordering by official approved purchase order
    • SAP Ariba for the majority of Goods, Services and Works. PO prefix is ‘45’
    • SAP S/4HANA for Student related course materials PO prefix is ‘48’
    • Library resources via ALMA where the PO prefix is ‘POL’
  • Ordering by purchasing card – mainly used where a PO is not practical or for low value single transactions.

IMPORTANT: Suppliers must not start work on services/works or deliver goods without receiving an official approved purchase order via one of the systems above or payment made via PCard. The po number must be quoted on all correspondence including Invoices.


SAP Ariba Buying Solutions & SAP Ariba Business Network

The OU's preferred purchasing route is via the SAP Ariba Business Network and mainly uses Sap Ariba Buying Solutions for issuing purchase orders and processing supplier invoices. Suppliers are sent a link to register with the SAP Ariba Business Network when a PO is sent. Please do not register until you have been sent a PO. 

Purchase Orders will be sent by email from the following address: ordersender-prod@ansmtp.ariba.com. Please ensure that emails from this address are enabled as safe in your firewall & spam filters so they are not blocked.

How do I register with the SAP Ariba Business Network?

Most suppliers will only ever need a standard FREE account and the OU encourage suppliers to register for a STANDARD FREE account to trade via the SAP Ariba Business Network.

Please refer to this SAP Ariba Network Guide for further information.

If you do not currently have an Ariba Business Network account and think an Enterprise account is appropriate, please contact OU Procurement Services BEFORE registering. An Enterprise account is only really necessary for direct CXML interfacing or enabling supplier hosted punchout catalogues.

What can I do with an SAP Ariba Business Network Standard account?

  • Receive purchase orders direct to a dedicated supplier email address and dashboard
  • Supplier dashboard provides details of purchase orders received and invoice submissions together with the current process status
  • Submit invoices (detailed guidance)
  • Receive notifications as invoices are processed
  • Review when invoices will be paid


Deliveries to The Open University

Deliveries to the OU must be made in line with the delivery terms and address stated in the purchase order together with any special delivery instructions. Normal Delivery times for the Walton Hall campus goods receiving terminal are Monday to Thursday 8:30 to 16:00 and Friday 8:30 to 15:30.


Policies and Guidance Documents

As a public sector body, The Open University has strict financial regulations and a procurement policy that must be followed by all suppliers. Please ensure that you are fully aware of our policies when working with us.

Contact us

Procurement Services
The Open University
PO Box 252
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

General enquiries: FBS-OU-Suppliers@open.ac.uk